We see well over 100 pitches in a given year. Most are for truly innovative ideas, well past the MVP, and often for raising funds for a "next round." These pitches range from initial screenings, to presentations, to judging.

There are six elements in a typical pitch:

  1. Perceived Problem
  2. Recommended Solution with the Competitive Advantage
  3. Intellectual Property Statement
  4. Market/Business Model/Strategy
  5. Team
  6. Exit with Comparables

However, according to the leading market trend trackers like Bloomberg, Crunchbase, PitchBook, Fortune, Hoovers, etc., the funding heyday is over!

Yes, money is fluid and there definitely ARE funds parked on the sidelines. However, tapping into these is MUCH harder than it used to be. Moreover, current interest rates for smaller businesses can easily top double-digits and the central banks, along with the bond markets, are signaling high rates for the foreseeable future.

Based on our observations, there are three areas where Mammoth can help innovators with regards to their long term viability:
  1. Messaging
  2. Collaborations
  3. Scope

Messaging: A weak or confusing message is a non-starter. Clear, easy-to-understand language is the secret to both funding AND addressing market opportunities. It is one of Mammoth's fortes.

Collaborations: In business the degrees of separation from a given individual and the decision-maker are often only few. For Mammoth, it is usually one-to-two degrees between who YOU need (and why you need them) on your team.

Scope: Typically innovators are too narrowly focused. This adversely affects scalability and down-range exit values. Mammoth excels in seeing the big picture and backing it up with an extremely broad range of prime contacts.

Mammoth can tailor a solution that fits YOUR needs!